The msxml3.dll file is used to help load up the “XML” features of Windows. XML is the “Extensible Markup Language” – an online protocol which is used widely in various websites. If you are seeing msxml3.dll errors, it generally means that this file is either damaged or corrupted, or your computer has some incorrect settings preventing Windows from being able to use the file. If you want to resolve any mxxml3.dll errors on your PC, it’s recommended you use the steps outlined in this tutorial.
The errors which msxml3.dll causes include the likes of:
- Access denied
- msxml3.dll error ‘80004005′
- Unspecified error
The errors basically load up when you either try and use an online application (such as MSN Messenger), or when you attempt to load up various websites online. The reason for the error may vary from PC to PC, but the good news is there’s a simple procedure which repairs the problem most of the time.
The way to fix msxml3.dll error is to first reinstall any program causing it to show. If you find the likes of MSN Messenger, Skype or another program will cause the problem, then you should click onto Start > Control Panel > Add / Remove Programs and then locate the applications in the list, removing the ones which are causing a problem. After that, restart your PC and then reinstall the software which was causing a problem (you may wish to download an updated version from the Internet to help it). This will replace all the files & settings which the program uses (and may have conflicts with), allowing your PC to run much smoother and more effectively again.
You should then look to repair any registry errors that your computer may have causing the error. There’s a part of your PC called the “registry” which stores all the settings & options your system requires to run… and is also where a large list of the DLL files your system uses is kept. Every time Windows loads, it uses the list of DLL files kept inside the registry to keep your computer running as smoothly as possible, meaning that the database needs to be kept as reliable as possible. Unfortunately, the registry is continually being damaged which will lead your PC to run much slower and with a lot of errors. To fix this problem, you should look to use a registry cleaner program to scan through your system and get rid of any of the possible problems that may be causing the msxml3.dll errors.
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