Computer forensics software programs are used to detect computer frauds, crimes, etc., automatically, without retaining the services of a computer forensic specialist. Software solution processes detect operations done on a computer illegally or without authorization.
The detection by these tools or software is documented and produced in a court of law.
A number of companies such as AccessData and WetStone are developing applications that automatically generate forensic responses, eliminating the services of a computer forensic specialist. By installing such software, a lot of expenditure can be eliminated.
It is only when the software fails or finds itself inadequate that computer forensics consultants are called in. The latest developments indicate that software solutions for computer frauds and crimes are turning effective.
These software programs promise to manage everything from copying hard disks to evaluating evidence. Most of them cost around $1,000 per license so that anyone with security concerns can purchase them and get them installed without any hassle.
Utah-based AccessData has released a forensic tool kit to complement a previously limited consulting business. WetStone Technologies uses software for helping companies address steganography, the process by which nefarious employees encrypt and embed data within e-mail attachments. X-Ways Forensics, the forensic edition of Winhex, has software solutions galore with forensic features.
There are hundreds of other software kits that are continuously updating, with the incidence of sharper cyber-specific crimes. Such software can natively interpret and show the directory structure and mismanagement of the system, with recovery facilities.
These are pro-active software solutions that can detect unauthorized operations as and when these are done.
There are also numerous software suites that will go after specific instances of wrong-doing. Guidance Software sticks to software applications. Its flagship product, EnCase, is marketed as a full-service forensic tool. With the development of more and more software solutions, computer criminals are also catching up.
Computer criminals enabled with a new wave of tools and techniques can easily crack into corporate networks. As a result, the computer crime graph is going to peak. The Committee of Experts on Crime in Cyber-Space, an international coalition, has called for a treaty for increased computer surveillance for law enforcement officials around the world.
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